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Saturday, August 31, 2013

King Calls on Subjects to Continue to Remain Calm

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Cambodia (Kohker) – His Majesty Preah Bath Samdech Preah Borom Neath Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia, has issued a Royal Message calling on all of his people to continue to keep calm and maintain national dignity, as the country is facing political deadlock in the post-election period.

“The results of the Election of the National Assembly Members for the fifth legislature will be officially announced on September 8, 2013 at the latest so that the National Assembly and the Royal Government that emerge from the July 28 election will proceed properly as defined in the Constitution, aiming to assure stability and continuity of our nation,” the King said in the message dated August 30, 2013.

“The Kingdom of Cambodia is an independent and sovereign state and has the Constitution… that our nation respect,” the King’s message reads. “The settlement of various national issues should be based upon the Constitution and be entrusted to the competent authorities that are stated in the Constitution and laws of our nation.”

 A political deadlock has gripped Cambodia since the parliamentary election as the two main political parties, the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), which have won seats in the National Assembly, each claimed victory in the election.

Cambodian King is now in China for a routine medical checkup. On August 7, he also issued a message calling upon the two political parties to seek solution to their election disputes by peaceful means.

Preliminary results by the National Election Committee (NEC), which organizes elections, shows the CPP had won 68 of the 123 parliamentary seats, against 55 for the CNRP, but the CNRP claims it won at least 63 and has complained of widespread irregularities.

The CNRP has demanded that an independent commission in which national and international organizations and the United Nations are included as observers be formed to probe the irregularities. It has threatened to stage massive street protests if its demand is not met.  The ruling CPP insists that the election issues be resolved by the NEC and the Constitutional Council, the final body dealing with election complaints.

The Royal government of Cambodia has deployed armed forces, tanks and armored personnel vehicles in the capital of Phnom Penh and its surrounding provinces after the opposition party has threatened to hold the massive protests.

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