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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Court Releases Suspects of Violence Incitement on Bail

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Cambodia (Kohker) – Phnom Penh Municipal Court has decided to grant bail release to 4 young people arrested by the authorities last week on charge of producing and distributing anti-government leaflets, but placed them under surveillance.

Investigating Judge Seng Neang ordered the release of Tuot Chan Panha, Sok Kalis, Lim Ly Pheng and Hiv Borin this morning after having received bail requests from their relatives and lawyers, but maintained a charge of crime incitement against them.

Local rights activists welcomed their release, but called on the court to drop the charge against them.

The 4 people, two are female, were arrested on 15 August while they were planning to handout flowers with messages to armed forced deployed in Phnom Penh capital following the July 28 general election. But police said they were arrested for producing and distributing leaflets that incited armed violence against the Royal government of Cambodia.

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