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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Authorities Arrest Four Suspects for Distributing Anti-Government Leaflets

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Cambodia - Police have arrested four people on charge of producing and distributing leaflets aiming to provoke armed violence against the Royal government of Cambodia.
According to a statement released on August 17 by the spokesman for the General Commissariat of National Police, the four young suspects, two of whom are females, were arrested on August 15 when they were producing and distributing hundreds of leaflets, calling upon armed forces to overthrow the Royal government.
The arrests of the suspects, Tot Chanpanha, Hoeuy Borin, Sok Dalin and Long Ly Pheng, were made with permission from the prosecutor in accordance with the legal procedure while they were carrying out activities of producing and distributing hundreds of the leaflets at the order of Suon Sereyrotha, president of Khmer People’s Power Movement accused of building illegal armed forces against the government, the statement said.    
"Production and distribution of such leaflets are intentional activities to create armed violence to cause serious social instability, which will be punished according to the laws in effect,” the statement concluded. 
Police sent the suspects to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on August 17. After questioning them for nearly the whole day, the court ordered temporary detention of them at Prey Sar prison.

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