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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hotel staff find 40 PYTHONS in a room

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Little more than a week after a giant python crushed two young Canadian boys to death, hotel staff got the shock of their lives after finding 40 PYTHONS in a room. The reptiles were found in several plastic storage bins in a room in Brantford, Ontario.

The manager of the Canadian hotel where they were discovered said they belonged to a couple who had checked into the room for a night.  Police removed the reptiles while the two guests were out for the evening and the snakes, which ranged in length from 30 centimeters to 1,4 meters, were in poor health and have been taken in by the Canadian Society for the Protection of Animals, where a veterinarian is monitoring them.

The find comes 11days after Connor and Noah Barthe, aged sex and four respectively, died in the eastern town of Campbellton, New Brunswick when a African python escaped from its terrarium and killed them.

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