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Friday, September 27, 2013

PM Hun Sen Receives More Congratulations From Foreign Leaders

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Cambodia (Kohker) – Samdech Techo Hun Sen has received congratulations from President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei, President of Cuba, and Prime Minister of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on the occasion of his reappointment as Prime Minister of Cambodia.

“On behalf of the Government and the people of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and on my own, I have great pleasure to extend our warmest congratulations to Your Excellency’s reelection as Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia,” Mr. Thein Sein, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, said in his congratulatory letter dated 26 September 2013.

“I am fully confident that under your able and wise leadership, the relations and cooperation of our two countries will be further strengthened and promoted for the interest of our nations and peoples,” the President of Myanmar added.

In his message dated 25 September 2013, His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei stated that, “I am pleased to extend my warmest congratulations on your reappointment as Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia. We value our warm and long-standing friendship with the Kingdom of Cambodia and look forward to more renewed opportunities in strengthening our bilateral relations as well as our cooperation in regional and international fora.”

Mr. Pak Pong-ju, Premier of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, also congratulated Samdech Techo Hun Sen.

“I believe that the traditional ties of friendship and cooperation between our two countries will be further strengthened and expanded for the interest of our two peoples and countries, and I wish Samdech Techo more new success in your noble mission,” Mr. Pak Pong-ju wrote in his message on 25 September.

On 24 September, President of Cuba, Mr. Raul Castro Ruz, also sent a message expressing his warmest congratulations to Samdech Hun Sen on his reelection as Prime Minister of Cambodia for another term.

Besides, Prime Minister of China, Laos, Russia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam have also extended their congratulations to Cambodia’s reelected Premier. 

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