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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sleep Better With Natural Remedies

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Tart Cherry Juice and Raw Cherries - Not only does a full night of sleep leave us happier and with more energy in the morning, but also the better the sleep the healthier we will be. Lack of sleep can be a sign of more serious health problems.
Luckily, overcoming insomnia can be possible by making changes to your diet. By increasing your consumption of the following fruits, vegetables and herbs you should start being able to sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed.

Although not a common breakfast beverage, drinking cherry juice in the morning has been shown to aid in sleeping. Cherries contain large amounts of melatonin that can help relieve insomnia. A powerful hormone, melatonin helps to regulate the body’s sleep and energy cycles. Individuals lacking enough melatonin will suffer from being constantly tired and not being able to get a full night’s of sleep. Additionally, try eating cherries raw to receive the same benefits as the juice.

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