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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Samdech Heng Samrin will lead the first NA Session

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Cambodia - A senior official of Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) told reporters in a press briefing at the National Assembly building on the afternoon of August 10 that the first session of the National Assembly will be summoned and opened under the Supreme Royal Presidency of His Majesty Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia.
“There is no need to have the quorum for opening the first Session of the Fifth Legislature of the National Assembly; so even if the elected members of the opposition Cambodia National Election Party will not attend it, the National Assembly will be able to convene without any obstacles,” said Mr. Chheang Vun, member of the CPP Permanent Committee.

Mr. Chheang Vun stated that after His Majesty the King opens the session, the National Assembly will continue the session under the chairmanship of a dean who will be Samdech Akka Moha Punhea Chakrei Heng Samrin, elected National Assembly member for Kampong Cham Constituency, to announce the validity of all elected 123 lawmakers.

“This meeting will not need the quorum,” he said, underlining that the National Assembly will later need the 50+1 quorum which equals to 63 lawmakers to vote to approve its internal regulation before beginning its process.

Then all the NA members will be sworn in at the Royal Palace; after that the 5th Legislature National Assembly will approve its structure and create the 5th term Royal Government by a package vote as stipulated under Article 3 of the Constitution, he said, adding that only 50+1 votes will be needed for the adoption. 

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