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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Protest Not To Overthrow Government, CNRP President

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Cambodia (Kohker) - Opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) has denied allegation that the party's mass demonstration planned on September 7 is intended to overthrow the current Royal government of Prime Minister Hun Sen.

In a press conference held at the opposition party's headquarters in Phnom Penh this morning, CNRP President Sam Rainsy said his party had planned to hold a mass demonstration on September 7 in order "to demand the establishment of an independent commission to investigate election irregularities, not to overthrow the Royal government as being interpreted by some people."

Sam Rainsy said the CNRP continued to request the establishment of such an independent commission with the composition from the parties that won parliamentary seats in the recent election, and national and international organizations as observers to investigate what he claimed "serious election irregularities found by the CNRP in order to find the truth and the real justice for the voters."

He said the demonstration is the last resort and it could be avoided if discussions to establish the above mentioned commission could be started because the CNRP would not accept results found by the NEC and the Constitutional Council in their settlement of the election irregularities. The two institutions are under the CPP's influence, he said.

Sam Rainsy explained that his party would follow the examples of Mahatama Gandhi of India and of demonstrators in Europe in holding the protest in order to avoid violence. He also said the opposition party had started to train its supporters on how to hold the protests peacefully and without violence, with assistance from foreign experts. The demonstration would also be held according to the laws and the CNRP would cooperate with the authorities in maintaining security for the protesters during the demonstration, he said. 

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