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Monday, August 12, 2013

Opposition Party Opposes Election Results

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Cambodia - Hours after the Cambodia’s election body, the National Election Committee, announced the temporary results of the July 28 general election this morning, the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) held a press conference to express its opposition to the announcement.
In the conference held at 11:00 am, opposition Vice-President Kem Sokha said the CNRP expressed strong disappointment at and opposed the NEC’s announcement, which, he said, was made in a situation when serious election irregularities had not been properly and transparently investigated and resolved yet.

“The NEC’s announcement is an act to hide mistakes it committed in the recent election and may cause an uprising and protest from Cambodia people who demand justice of the election,” Kem Sokha said. “The NEC must be held responsible for any political instability that may happen due to its decision.”
“In a bilateral meeting held at the National Assembly on 9 August, the CPP working group promised to provide information on selection of a technical group with participation from NGOs and the UN as an observer to investigate the election irregularities, “ Kem Sokha said. “Now, as we are waiting for the CPP’s reply, the NEC suddenly made the announcement, which seems like to cut off the bridge of relation between the two parties in finding a way to break the deadlock. This is a serious mistake of the NEC.”
CNRP vice-president said his party continued to insist on establishment of an independent technical commission to deal with the election irregularities, and called upon the CPP to return to the negotiation table “in order to continue the work of finding justice for the people.”

The CNRP demanded the Royal Government immediately cease intimidating Cambodian people by moving around armed forces and military tanks and so on, Kem Sokha said. He also called upon the international community and signatory countries to the 1991 Paris Peace Agreements to help support and defend Cambodia people’s will to elect their own leader in accordance with democracy, and not to recognize any government that comes from an election that is against the real will of the people.

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