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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

CPP and CNRP Meet Again to Seek Solution to Election Disputes

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Cambodia (Kohker) – The working groups of the two main political parties that won parliamentary seats in the recent election met again at the National Assembly building on the afternoon of August 20.
The Working Group of the ruling Cambodian People’s Party was headed by Mr. Prum Sokha and joined by Mr. Sik Bunhok, Ms. Kroch Sam An, Ms Chou Bun Eng and Mr. Ork Kimhean, while the Working Group of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party was led by Mr. Son Chhay and joined by Mr. Pol Ham, Mr. Yim Sovann, Mr. Kuoy Bunroeun and Mr. Mao Munivann. The purpose of the meeting was to seek solution to their differences over the 5fth parliamentary election held on July 28. However, the closed-door meeting, which began at 2:00 p.m. and lasted for about two hours, yielded no significant results. Following the meeting, the two parties released a joint statement, simply stating that they had understood the intention and main ideas of the two parties in seeking agreement and would report them to their respective leaderships. Since the polling day, the two parties’ working groups have already met twice to talk about the establishment of an independent commission to investigation election irregularities, but they were not successful as they failed to agree on the composition of the commission.

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