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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Government Calls on Citizens to Respect the King and Constitution

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Cambodia (AKP) - The Royal Government of Cambodia has called on the entire Cambodian citizens to preserve the value and dignity, and to highly respect His Majesty King of the Nation and faithfully abide by the Constitution.

In a public statement issued on Sept. 18, the Royal Government of Cambodia said it had noticed that the expression of opinions by a number of citizens via radios, newspapers, homepages and especially the new social media network – Facebook, were likely to affect the royal honor and reputation of the highly respected King.

The Royal Government of Cambodia recognizes the rights and freedom of expression and freedom of press of every citizen as stipulated in the Constitution, laws and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights; however, the statement added, the exercises of these rights and freedoms shall conform to the conditions defined by laws, and in particular, they definitely must not affect the monarchical institution and the King.

The statement quoted the articles 7 and 8 of the Constitution as stating that “the King shall be inviolable. The King of Cambodia shall be a symbol of unity and eternity of the nation. The King shall be guarantor of the national independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, and the protector of rights and freedom for all citizens.

Recently, the highly respected King has fulfilled his supreme role, reflecting his highest intention to preserve peace, security, political stability, and has performed his august role of arbitrator in solving the national issues to ensure the faithful execution of public powers which is the foundation for national development as stated in the Article 9 of the Constitution, the statement said.

The Royal Government of Cambodia wishes to appeal to the entire Cambodian citizens to preserve the value and dignity, and to highly respect His Majesty King of the Nation and faithfully abide by the Constitution, the statement concluded.

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